





Hello and long time no see.  I'd like to write about singing in a foreign language.  In my time with the choir, we have sung songs in English and Latin.  This year we are challenging ourselves to sing 4-part lieder in German.  

In the first half of rehearsal we practiced singing the lieder in German in front us.  It wasn't as easy as it looked on the page but I felt that we got a grasp of how the music and text work together.  I think we all agree that singing in a foreign language is at first uncomfortable.  However we hope to continue to thrive to bring our best performance to the stage in the summer.

In the second half we worked on our songs for the choral festival.  The arrangement of Michelle we are singing made a lasting impression in my mind.  One can hear the passion or affection of a young man who is in love with Michelle throughout the piece.  What blew me away in rehearsal was how the lyrics had more depth and meaning.  We have spent weeks rehearsing and practicing this piece as an ensemble but it's a joy to see the music come to life.  I was influenced by other parts as we were rehearsing this piece.  We hope that the our listeners will enjoy the same passion and affection the young man has for Michelle.

In closing, I'd like to add that I was reminded of the power of vocal music because even though we may not understand every word, we can moved by the music.


by ジンジン




♪ Abendlied(Johannes Brahms) 

♪ Ziguenerleben(Robert Schumann)
♪ Lerchengesang(Felix Mendelssohn)

♪ 春の風(大中恩)

♪ 夏の風(大中恩)
♪ Can't buy me love(John Lennon and Paul McCartney)
♪ Michelle(John Lennon and Paul McCartney)

♪ Penny Lane(John Lennon and Paul McCartney)

♪ Back in the U.S.S.R.(John Lennon and Paul McCartney)



神戸学生青年センター(〒657-0064 兵庫県神戸市灘区山田町3丁目1−1)